Ch-3: Steam Generator

Ch-3: Steam Generator: Boiler, Classification of Steam Generators: FIRE-TUBE Boilers, WATER-TUBE Boilers, Water Circulation, Types of Water Circulation: Natural Circulation, Forced Circulation, Example (1), Example (2), The Steam Drum: Gravity Separation, Mechanical Separation, Boiler Blowdown, Superheaters and Reheaters Coils, Advantige of Steam Superheating, Types of Superheaters and Reheaters: Radiant type, Convection type, Combined type, Steam Temperature Control, Heat Balance of Steam Desuperheater, Example (3), Economizer Coil, Air Heater Coil, Types of Air Heaters: Regenerative Air Heater, Recuperative Air Heater, Example (4), Steam Generator Efficiency: The Direct Method, Heat-Loss Method, Tutorial Sheet 3.

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