Ch-2: Steam Power Plant Cycles

 Ch-2: Steam Power Plant Cycles: Simple vapor cycle and its components: Boiler, Turbine, Condenser, Pump, Carnot Cycle for Steam, Disadvantages of Carnot Cycle application, Rankine Cycle and its components: Steam Generator, Turbine, Condenser, Feed Pump, Cycle network, Work Ratio, Steam Rate, Heat Rate, Efficiencies in Steam Power Plant: Thermal efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, Isentropic efficiency, Example (1), Mean Temperature of Heat Addition, Effect of Superheat, Effect of inlet pressure, Reheat, Example (2), Regeneration, The Stirling Cycle, The ideal regenerative cycle, Type of regenerative feed water heaters, Open type regenerative feed water heaters, Example (3), Closed type regenerative feed water heaters with drain cascaded backward, Closed type regenerative feed water heaters with drain pumped forward, Example (4), Cogeneration: Back pressure Turbine, Pass-Out Turbine, Example (5), Tutorial Sheet 2.

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