Ch-4: Steady-State Convection-Diffusion

 Ch-4: Steady-State Convection-Diffusion: Introduction, 1D steady-state convection-diffusion, the central differencing scheme, Example 1, Properties of discretization schemes: 1-Conservativeness, 2-Boundedness, 3-Transportiveness, Assessment of the central differencing scheme, the upwind differencing scheme, Example 2, Assessment of the upwind differencing scheme, the hybrid differencing scheme, Example 3, Assessment of the hybrid differencing scheme, Hybrid differencing scheme for multi-dimensional convection-diffusion, The power-law scheme, Higher-order differencing schemes for convection-diffusion problems: 1-Quadratic upwind differencing scheme (QUICK scheme), Example 4, Assessment of the QUICK scheme, stability of the QUICK scheme, Projects.

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